Wednesday, August 26, 2009

F is for Fake

Just a little update on my lawsuit against Janna. The judge agreed to proceed with the fraud charge against her, but for some inexplicable reason, decided against a few other charges, including defamation (what can ya do, the original judge retired in the middle of the complaint to-ing and fro-ing, and the replacement is new at his job). But hey, that's what appeals courts are for. So, we're going to go ahead with prosecuting Janna for fraud in civil court, and we're going to appeal the other charges. Fun fun fun. Almost two years and counting. Don't you love the legal system?

I'll tell you, though. I love my lawyer. She is fierce.

I was gonna drop another little bombshell here, but I think I'll do a little investigatin' myself first. Let's just say styx and stones may break my bones, but old handwriting never dies.

How's that for obliquely screwing up metaphors?


Anonymous said...

Did Janna ever admit it was all a lie? Or is she still insisting she was protecting someone who really existed?

Anonymous said...

No, of course she didn't admit it was a lie. At least not in a way that wasn't oblique and could have meant something else entirely.

I do believe she's still alleging that she's protecting someone else, but considering that "Jesse" has been around for 30 years in one form or another, at this point, I think it goes beyond being a protector and is now squarely in the realm of accomplice, at the barest minimum.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to have your lawyer; I'm in the same boat as you with a fruitcake who is exaggerating things I told her as 'fake' and calling me a 'predator' because I can effectively use Google. Although my aggressor has nothing of financial use and no lawyer would probably take my case.

You have strength, woman. I could not have gone through ANY of what you're going through and kept my sanity.

Anonymous said...

omg....i think i have found the person who has just duped and deceived ME! excuse my language, but holy fuck! I have gone and read her blog and there are many similarites. MANY. I watched the youtube short, but it doesn't sound like either of the two (one male and one female) who i have spoken to over the last few months.
Okay, I am going to calm down. And tomorrow night I will read through all of this again and figure out what i need to do. Was Janna in jail mid sept to end of oct...or similarly indesposed?

Anonymous said...

If only. Janna, to my knowledge, has never been in jail. I cannot speak for her whereabouts at that time, but I might have some guesses. I look forward to more details from you, you can email me, or ask me not to publish your comment if you'd like more information to come to light out of the public eye.

Thanks for coming forward.

Anonymous said...

I did a lot of reading last night - your blog, the LA piece, her blogs. It's her. no way no how it isn't. How do I contact you? And out of the public eye makes sense. (And the other comment above, from the person being accused of being a predator...that smells very familiar.)

Anonymous said...

Hey, Anonymous - you can contact me through my profile page - there's an email link you can click on....

Anonymous said...

This one you can post publicly Audrey!
You know, one of your statements in your blog about Jana, really struck me. Not the most erudite, nor the most humorous thing you have said, but somehow REALLY stuck with me: That she is a 'LYING SACK OF SHIT.'

Ahhh, feels good to say that aloud!

I really admire you going after her. A lot!

anonymous still.

Anonymous said...

Like the oblique reference at the end of your post. Tommy can you hear me? I definitely know where that one's going, since I knew Janna and often heard her boast of her exploits with Tommy Shaw... And did you know she was personal friends with Scott Hamilton?