Monday, May 2, 2011

a little bit about Janna

Because this does bug me  a bit, I'd like to clear something up that one of the LJ people has assumed. Some folks didn't like that I mentioned Janna's weight here. But what you all need to understand about Janna is that nobody hated on fat people more than Janna St James. As her alter egos, "Bean" and "Alice" amongst them, she would say hateful, scathing things about herself, all to do with her weight.

As some of her other alter egos, she'd talk about how beautiful and skinny and wonderful she was till those nasty Mexicans raped and nearly killed her in a cornfield. Janna would say to me as herself that she weighed 112 all her life until that rape, and she gained all that weight because she was in a hospital bed recovering from many plastic surgeries and operations and now she only had a single lung so it was hard for her to exercise blah blah blah.

Janna told me that she tried Weight Watchers, but they didn't like her because she wasn't born a fatty, that she had no respect for them because they were fat by choice and not by misadventure like she was. Not once did I care about Janna's weight, although I was sympathetic that she was upset about it. When I met her, I confess I was a little taken aback at her size, but only because I was trying to work out in my head how someone could go from 112 to 250 over a ten year period, especially when several of those years was spent eating hospital food, and some of that time her jaw had been reconstructed and she could only have liquid nutrition.

Of course, when I found out that all of her backstory was a lie, there was never a rape, never any sort of hospital convalescence, and she was obese for her entire adult life, I realized that she was completely obsessed with her own weight. Yes, my comment was mean, it was meant to be, but please understand it was meant to tweak her because of this history.

I can't speak for Josh's motivations in taking that angle, since he has never discussed his article with me at any length whatsoever. But for the record, yes, he is kind of an asshole, and everything is about him.


Anonymous said...

I have often described the lying piece of (internet) shit that wound up getting involved with my husband and moving into my house a month after I left it (although they were NOT having an affair! oh no sir!) as "a sea cow with pock marks, bad teeth and a $7 haircut" not because I have anything against ANY of those things... but if you're a sea cow with pock marks, bad teeth and a $7 haircut, AND you are a lying piece of shit and a horrible person, you better believe I'm going to bring up the fact that you look like a sea cow who got hit in the face with a golf shoe.

Anonymous said...

I take it you and Josh had a falling out of sorts. I'm sorry. I enjoyed his article, however, I do agree he was very critical. I am glad I found your blog so I can see the whole picture.

Anonymous said...

Anon1: you're funny!

Anon2: not at all. I've always maintained that Josh is like the brother I never wanted. Josh was always a self-centered, loud, opinionated doofus, and he'll be the first to say that about himself as well. Well, maybe the second.

Anonymous said...

From the photos and video that has been provided, there's no way Janna weighed "250 pounds" at her height. No. Way. Not being mean, it's just a sad fact of life. Apparently, she was ashamed of her weight and hated herself for it because she constantly made fun of herself through others.

Anonymous said...

Anon3: wait, are you saying she weighed more? I think 250 was what was on her drivers license. I was just guessing.

Anonymous said...

I was sorta thinking the same thing but didn't want to say anything. I'm 220 at 5'5" and hourglass-shaped, rather than potato-shaped.

Anonymous said...

Anon4: Janna is 5', but yes, I see your point. I guess nobody's accurate weight is on their drivers license!

Anonymous said...

If you promise not to tell ....

They don't always put people on the scales at the DMV. When I got my license, I said I weighed 148 when it was really more like 190. Being female, and having a male take my info, and there wasn't a scale available, they took my word for it.

For all we know, Janna weighed 250 when her license was issued in the 1970s, or whenever, and she never had them change the weight. I don't know of many DMV's that have people actually get on the scales or measure their height.

Anonymous said...

Anon: Funny, I just looked at my drivers license and yep, it's my weight from about 10 years/pounds ago. Well.

P.S. I promise not to breathe a word.

toddlok said...

I can't believe people are trying to make you the bad guy (girl). WTF?

And, I wouldn't try to justify your thought process to anyone on this entire matter. Everyone has a 'what were you thinking' moment or two in their life.

That's how we get experience... :)

Anonymous said...

I wanted to say "don't let the haters get you down," but no one says "haters" anymore, do they? You get the idea!

Your old AOL pal, Lori

Anonymous said...

toddlok: I don't mind responding, I'm fine with re-explaining things, I understand that some folks don't have time to get through a bunch of posts. I just wish they wouldn't opine till they did.

Lori: Hey there! How you doing? yeah, they're not haters anymore, they're called trolls. The things you learn. Good name, though.

Anonymous said...

I'm 220 but for some very odd reason, have no trouble in seeing my feet. In high school I was president of that August Group known as the Itty Bitty Titty Committee; now, I can not only hold a pencil under either boob, but the South St. Louis County YellowBook as well. In my dotage, I've decided to stay "fuckit!" I'm done with the diets and advice. The more I hear about "that person" the creepier it gets, somewhere between "Three Faces of Eve" and "1000 faces of Dr. Fu-Manchu"

"Sea Cow hit in face with golf shoe" - that, "Anonymous" will go down as the best laugh I've had in a month.

What's REALLY creepy is the fact that we all know - "she" - still reads these pages AND COMMENTS.

"Sea Cow"...."Golf Shoe".....
*SnOrT!* Bwhahahahahahah!

Sanity J. AKA Anonymous - who just commented on yer' "Nigel" post at you-know-where.