Saturday, December 24, 2011

and a ho ho ho

Happy holidays to all you folks who've followed this crap and who continue to follow it (even you concern trolls and other assorted douchebags - hey, every family has its dysfunctional assholes, right?). You've made me realize how important it is to speak out.

This past year, we moved from Civil Court to the Supreme Court. Who knows what the next year will bring? There were no reports on any new hijinks brought forth by Janna, but we learned a bit more about ancient ones that she assumed were all forgotten, or at least forgiven. Odd how many of Janna's actions throughout her adult life have been unforgivable, and how many people who were deceived by her are happy to tell me their stories.

It's been a long journey from Janet Hopper to Janna Priggie, but she hasn't traveled very far.

Have a great and safe holiday, readers.

As for Janna, I'll speak for the dozens of women you've tormented over five decades: I hope you get coal in your stocking, and please go fuck yourself.



blukats said...

Good luck with your fight in the New Year. Not only are you fighting for all those deceived by this woman but also for everyone who has had someone maliciously deceive them on-line. Our laws have not kept up so wishing you the best of luck creating new rulings that will make a difference.

Unknown said...

"Piece of Fakey" has been included in this weeks A Sunday Drive. I hope this helps to attract even more new visitors here, and I hope you and yours have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Kristy said...

I hope this year gives you the justice you deserve. You are one strong lady! Thank god you spoke out. You lead the way for so many other people. There are many dbags out there but you rose above, with humor and humility. May the new year bring you many good things.

Anonymous said...

Hear hear on your wishes for Janna! I'd like to add my own seasonal greeting:

All the best in 2012 Paula!

Anon 1